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This translates to approximately 10 tons per acre of potatoes. Therefore, her yields increased by 395% as compared to her usual yield. She was very impressed and hopes of doing farming ignited again thanks to CA surface planting technology.
Mr. Chelule targets both ripping (2-tine) and chiseling (3-tine) clients by either adding or removing one tine. He decided to lead by example by ripping 4 acres of his own land and has started a campaign against the use of disc ploughs by encouraging other Mechanization Service Providers (MSPs) to “ditch the disc”.
She is confident that her yield will continue to increase as she keeps on practicing good soil management practices like minimum tillage, and permanent soil cover among others. She also gets additional income through the sale of MUCUNA seeds to her neighbours who have since been attracted to her way of farming.
From the calculations, Eunice used to spend over KShs. 80,000/- on her 6-acre farm just on land preparation and weed control. However, after learning of CA and realizing that she can cut costs by up to 60%, she didn’t hesitate to adopt. She has managed to reduce production costs to only KShs. 30,000/- saving up to KShs. 50,000/- on land preparation and weed control alone.
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