P.O.Box 51122- 00100 GPO, Nairobi +254 701 563 937 info@pafidkenya.org

“Before conservation agriculture, we could not manage 20 sacks of 90kilogram of unshelled maize from an acre, yet I harvested 21 sacks of the same quantity, this time of shelled maize. My harvest is also increasing as I am getting 35 sacks of 90 kilograms of shelled maize.

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“Collins you created the demand for ripping in this county, therefore, I have to fill the gap by serving potential CA adopter farmers” Mr. Mukabana uttered. He attests that his net income rose by 40% since he uses only 4 litres of fuel per acre when ripping as opposed to close to 10 litres of diesel while discing; maintenance cost & downtime significantly reduced; takes only 30 minutes to rip an acre as opposed to 60 minutes required to disc plough an acre.

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Climate change being a hard reality all over the world, Elgeyo Marakwet county has not been spared. EMC has experienced a drastic decline in yields due to unpredictable and inadequate rains. But with the introduction of conservation agriculture by FTMA in EMC with a focus on ripping to facilitate maximum utilization on available soil water and eliminate erosion, farmers now have hopes.

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